
William's character in the novel William is a late addition to the expedition who seems, at least at first glance, to be charm personified. Ruthless, determined and prepared to go to any lengths to get the job done. A more than worthy adversary for the DISECUPRO team, and a divisive [...]



Dominik's character in the novel Dominik is the classic number two. Successful and ambitious but somehow still resentful of his position in life. Why should he have to work so hard for his status when it is given to others on a plate? The recent completion of the project aimed [...]



Magali's character in the novel It might be a man’s world but Magali has the strength, wit and determination to negotiate any obstacles, even her partner Martin’s jokes. She joined DISECUPRO on a whim and hasn’t looked back since. Formerly a fixture on the amateur motorcycle racing scene, Magali [...]



Alain's character in the novel He is an adventurer and philanthropist whose ownership of a lucrative sportswear business allows him to pick and choose his investments. A committed environmentalist, Alain believes that electric cars are the only way forward. When the opportunity to finance a pioneering technology comes his way, [...]


A Wave To Rock The Boat

He is the first man to travel around the world in a vehicle solely  powered by solar energy. The United Nations UNEP awarded him "Champion of the Earth" for inspiration and action. Louis Palmer's goal is to rock the boat of conventionally powered transportation and invite more enthusiasts to ride the wave of zero emission [...]

A Wave To Rock The Boat2017-08-16T18:27:16+01:00
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