NSA Tools Used to Sabotage Revolutionary Electric Vehicle In New Spy Novel Based on Real Events

Press release

Glonn, Germany, August 28th, 2014

Book Cover Project Black HungarianThe thought that NSA tools are used by a secret organization for spying out new electric vehicle technology, at least, is an entertaining conspiracy scenario cooked up in the book “Project Black Hungarian”. The spy novel has just been released by Capscovil, a publishing house that specializes in weaving technical facts into fictional stories.

Co-authors MacRoslin and York create an air of adventure for electric mobility in their first jointly written work. They combine today’s techniques for gathering information applied by intelligence agencies such as NSA and GCHQ with real events from the world’s largest electric vehicle rally. The story follows locations visited during WAVE 2013, and selected participants, all pioneers and dyed-in-the wool enthusiasts, serve as role models for characters in the spy novel. The described electric vehicle is no new model by Telsa Motors, however, it is based on a real electric car that features a range of 700 kilometers on one charge.

With Project Black Hungarian, Capscovil and their authors aim to support the trend for eco-friendly mobility while raising awareness for IT security topics.

After a project time frame of 16 months, the novel has been published as an English and German edition and is available in print and electronically. Several partners of Capscovil support the project.

Book description
BIRDThe Board for Industrial Research and Development has been shaping major political decisions since 1929. You haven’t heard of them because no-one has. They’re efficient, discreet and ultra-professional. Working under the guise of a multi-faceted consultancy firm. But a new threat to their customers means all that could be about to change. After much deliberation, a decision has been made.

A new technology is to be tested in an extensive field trial, and the electric car expedition WAVE offers the perfect cover. Naturally, BIRD has no desire to see it succeed. The usual countermeasures are taken and a team is dispatched. The mission is to be low-key, no more than a routine training exercise: an opportunity for BIRD to blood the next generation of field operatives. There is, it seems, little that can go wrong.

But the new recruits are young and impulsive; quick to act when caution should be the name of the game. One bad decision leads to another, and soon the mission is spiraling out of control. What BIRD doesn’t know is that there is another elite force on the scene, a crack unit sent by security agency DISECUPRO to protect the technology and its engineer.

Suddenly, all eyes are on WAVE.

“Project Black Hungarian” has been published internationally (ISBN 978-3-942358-43-9, English / ISBN 978-3-942358-49-1, German)

About WAVE
WAVE – World Advanced Vehicle Expedition – is the world’s largest electric vehicle rally and has been organized by Swiss solar pioneer Louis Palmer since 2011. Only vehicles with an electric motor are allowed to take part. Hybrids must seal their gas tanks, while drivers of electric bicycles rely only on power generated by their bodies. In 2013, WAVE ran across the Alps from Vienna to Zurich from Jun 29th to July 7th. On July 6th, WAVE together with a total of 305 vehicles, set the world record for the largest electric vehicle parade, documented in the Guinness book of records.

In 2014, WAVE ran from Stuttgart via Munich to Switzerland from May31st to June 7th. The rally started with beating last year’s record by setting a new world record as largest parade with 481 electric vehicles- The world record has again been registered by the Guinness Book.

Press Contact
Press ContactBritta Muzyk

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